SDRTrunk The FREE P25 Police Scanner! Windows and Linux Tutorial

SDRTrunk The FREE P25 Police Scanner! Windows and Linux Tutorial

SDRTrunk Broadcastify Feed Tutorial

SDRTrunk Broadcastify Feed Tutorial

WebSDR node based on a Raspberry PI

The idea behind a WebSDR is to run your RTL-SDR QO-100 receiver on a remote Raspberry Pi (perhaps mounted close to the antenna on your roof etc). The Pi runs custom WebSDR software that has been created from scratch by [Radio Electronics] specifically for monitoring Es'Hail-2. Then you can access your QO-100 receiver from any device on your network that has a web browser (computer/phone/tablet etc).
WebSDR node based on a Raspberry PI

Raspberry Pi Ham Radio Packages

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Raspberry Pi Ham Radio Packages
Collection of Amateur radio packages for the Raspberry Pi devices
Raspberry Pi SDR Receiver
Get started with SDR using a Raspberry Pi and inexpensive RTL-SDR tuner.
FM broadcast transmitter Raspberry Pi
This simple hack turns your Raspberry Pi into a powerful FM transmitter
SDR Server with Raspberry Pi
Setting up a Raspberry Pi as a SDR Server with RTL-2832U USB dongle
Raspberry Pi as RTL2832 Remote Server
Setting up a Raspberry Pi as Remote Server for RTL2832u SDR

DSD for Raspberry Pi

I decided to share my successes/failures so far in compiling DSD on the Raspbian Wheezy distribution for the Raspberry Pi.

Shrink/Expand Raspberry Pi Filesystem Images

Shrink/Expand Raspberry Pi Filesystem Images

This post documents a few tricks I found useful when making SD card images for Raspberry Pi projects, to minimize file size and download times while making full use of the SD card space. These instructions work for Raspbian Stretch images; not sure about older or newer versions.

The first time a Raspbian system boots, it runs a program to expand the filesystem to use the full size of the SD card. So, when you are using a Raspberry Pi system you automatically get the benefit of the full (e.g., 8GB) SD card size. The problem is that when you copy the card image you copy the whole 8GB, even if only 2GB is in use. That takes up a lot of unneeded space, and lengthens download times.

So, the first task is to reduce the size of the image to a minimum.

Build CubicSDR under Debien Jessie on the Raspberry Pi3

Ham Radio - SDRPlay running with CubicSDR on a raspberry Pi 3

It's slow, but it works!    Follow my build instructions on my sdrplay on linux video linked below.   You also have to make a change in raspian to get pulse audio working.   That's detailed in the blog entry as well as in this video.



sudo apt-get install raspberrypi-bootloader
sudo rpi-update
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Raspberry Pi and Wireshark

Raspberry Pi and Wireshark
Building a network capture probe with Raspberry Pi

The great news is you can do it easily by installing tshark on your system and running a simple script from one of our developers, Tom. The even better news is that you can lower the memory footprint of doing the capture with tshark by using Wireshark’s included packet capture process, dumpcap. In an embedded environment like a Raspberry Pi, this allows you to bypass tshark’s processing and send the resulting capture directly to CloudShark.

Raspberry Pi – Install TShark sniffing tool

Prepare Rasbian and install tshark:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install tshark

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install tshark
Show information and help about tshark:

tshark -h
tshark -h
This will show you this information:

[PI-SDR] Raspberry PI 3 + 7" Touchscreen + RTL-SDR + GQRX test

[PI-SDR] Raspberry PI 3 + 7" Touchscreen + RTL-SDR + GQRX test

For some time I'm interested in building autonomous SDR Receiver based on commonly available and relatively cheap components. Here is some  test with RPI 3, RTL-SDR, upconverter and GQRX software.

TETRA decoding on Windows!

TETRA decoding on Windows!

To capture the signals I was using an RTL SDR which is a very cheap device that allows you to tune to a wide range of frequencies. If you look carefully in the results in the link, you can find them for less than £10/$12. You can find one to buy at this link: (Redirecting link for your local area)

Video by cURLy bOi who wrote the wintelive software and showing how to install it:

The audio on this TETRA system is often not very good. I'm not sure of the exact reason for this but it sounds like they have the mic gain set to a fixed value rather than using AGC, so their voices are often way too loud or way too quiet. I don't know why they would do this. Maybe the radios they use aren't able to do AGC, in which case they must not be very good radios. I had to adjust the audio gain in this clip to reduce the volume of some radio users and increase the volume of others.

Please don't comment asking me for help on running this software. It is not as difficult to set up as the linux version, but it is still relatively difficult compared to running an average windows program. If you can't figure it out yourself by following the instructions provided with the program, then forget it. The software is only a work in progress. It is not guaranteed to work for you.